UP!–Writers’ Conference Nerves–and NO-NOs!

SCBWI-GirlwithKiteThis past weekend was our always anticipated, ever energetic, inevitably incomparable, annual NJ SCBWI Conference 😀 It is an event I look forward to and can’t bear to miss. During my many years of involvement with our New Jersey Chapter, I’ve been blessed to have gained many friends in the KidLit community, one of them being pal and KidLit guru, Tara Lazar. If you’re a KidLit-er and are not familiar with Tara and her blog—Writing for Kids (While Raising Them)—you should be! One of the many things she is noted for, besides her writing talent, is having founded PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month) 😎 .


Now post-conference, many of us are inspired to write about it in one way or another. Since I barely snapped any photos (though Robin Newman did!), I figured I’d pass on blogging about it this year, but then Continue reading