ArtWorkSpace_WriterSideUp.com_byDonnaMarieAs of yet, I’ve never had a space designated solely for the purpose of doing artwork, so find myself salivating over well-appointed, ample spaces when I see them. Don’t get me wrong, though—I’m very grateful to have any space at all and a nice supply of art materials, at that 😀 I’m very fortunate in that respect!

But, when thinking about an ideal space conducive for creating artwork, it would include an ample drafting table, a comfortable chair, suitable lighting (oh, this is SO important!) and adequate space to neatly store the hopefully abundant art supplies. This is where I plan to share my current space, will post about other artists’s spaces and hope to hear all about yours!

Content to come…




14 thoughts on “SETTING UP Shop

  1. I had no idea you l like to play chess. What a reat site that is. I thought maybe I’d find Kid Lit Reviews there but no, I find this fantastic Wonderopolis – is that site cool, and Chess! And Writers helping Writers. Where have you been hiding these places. I know about the others and participate in all but 12×2 (expensive), but you have a great list going there. (just kidding about expecting to see KLR – maybe on a different link.) I can see why you wanted to take so long to get this site prepared. You did good. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, I actually love chess but am NOT a good player! I can’t hold onto the moves I work out unless there are only a small amount of pieces on the board, during the end game. Still—I love it! 🙂 Haven’t played in ages!

      And yes, Kid Lit Reviews is definitely going to be on my links list! I only put up a few that came to mind immediately and had to stop as I thought of more purely due to exhaustion. Those were the last pages I tackled before launching both blogs. I went 2 nights without sleep pushing to launch no later than Tuesday ’cause originally I was going to post the Q&A with the Reynolds brothers on Friday. That’s changed and now what’s exciting is I’ll have the Q&A with Terry Shay! I’m just as happy my Q&A with him is going to be my christening post on BOTH blogs to celebrate Dot Day 😀 😀 😀


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