CraftInArt_WriterSideUp.com_byDonnaMarieMuch like the craft of writing, learning the art of illustrating is a multi-level, complex undertaking. To put out quality work, I believe you have to have a genuine passion for it.

I’ve been doing artwork my entire life, from childhood, and with as much as I know, largely through experience, there is never an end to what can be learned. What’s wonderful is that, along with so many writers generously sharing information to help other writers, there are as many artists doing the same.

In the KidLit world, networking and education are just as necessary for illustrators as they are for writers, so again, I canNOT stress enough the importance of workshops, whether online or at events like SCBWI Conferences.

In time I plan to share some of what I’ve learned through my life as an artist, and will post books I find useful, along with internet resources of value, too! There are so many talented people and volumes of information to be tapped into!

More content to come…





Kathy Temean’s blog for her Illustrator Saturdays

2 thoughts on “CRAFT

  1. Craft. Does this mean I will learn how to illustrate, use Photoshop and Illustrator, or other programs? That would be terrific. Maybe you should do a four week series and assign projects that coincide with the lesson. I would sign up and attend each one, maybe twice!

    Okay, What else is in store. How long are you going to make me wait *sniffle, sniffle*? The navigation tabs have interesting names I want to explore. The site does not need to be half or even a quarter filled to start it up. I started with one review.

    Okay, but if it is too much longer I will need an invitation, embossed, with raised letters, a wax seal closing the envelope, all sent to my email address. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. LOL See what happens? I’m coming across your posts in here (which is fun for me), as I’m catching up on those email notices!

    Nope, no photoshop or illustrator unless I learn a lot more about them! I WISH it could be stuff like that, but no…my “craft” as far as illustrating, involves very little on the computer…so far! If I get a contract, I’ll be taking a course 🙂 It’s my friend, Kathy, who knows a lot more about Photoshop, actually! I think you’re in Jersey, aren’t you? Kathy was the NJ SCBWI Regional Advisor for 10 years. She retired last year and I was her last Assistant (unofficial) Regional Advisor, getting her through her last conference. At the NJ events there are basic things Kathy’s taught. I don’t know if she’ll do it again at our upcoming Free Craft Day Nov. 9th. I’m assuming you’re a member? I don’t remember seeing your name on our attendee list for the conference last year (it’s expensive, I know, but worth it).


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