SCBWI-GirlwithKiteI am a big advocate of writers and illustrators attending events which offer opportunities for networking and to improve craft. Yes, most of them cost money, so most of us have to pick and choose which to attend.

I’ve been a member of the SCBWI for close to 20 years now, but rarely attended events largely due to financial and health restrictions. Once I finally started attending my local New Jersey Chapter‘s conferences and workshops whenever I was able, my writing life began to change. The more I got involved, the more it improved on every level. I cannot stress enough the importance of networking with fellow authors, illustrators and industry professionals. Not only is it important—it’s SO MUCH FUN! For me, there’s nothing like being around kindred spirits in this amazing, supportive and nurturing field.

International_WriterSideUp.com_byDonnaMarieThis is where I plan to share what I’ve learned as an attendee and as someone having been heavily involved with the organization of several conferences. I hope to shed light on the benefits of such events and how to get the most from your experience.





Express yourself :)