UP!–NJSCBWI 2016 Conference Personal Schedule Template for Download!

DonnaTaylorSCBWIlogo-lighthouseWow! Can you believe it? It’s that time of year again! Registration recently opened for the 2016 June New Jersey SCBWI Conference 😎  A few of you may remember that last year was the first time I posted my Personal Schedule Templates for download, including helpful background info so you can understand why I did and what qualifies me to do so. I’m VERY happy to report that at last year’s conference I met the extraORdinarily talented Mike Ciccotello and got super excited when I saw him pull out the schedule! He told me he saw others using it, too, so that was enough for me to feel it was worth my time 😀 . Yay!

With that said, for those of you who like this type chart to help get you through the weekend in smooth fashion, I’m pleased to present this year’s versions for you:  

I will reiterate this each year:

What I’ve done is made a variety of versions to suit whatever are your preference and needs. There is a Black/White/Gray version and a Color version. They are both available here as either a workable Word document or a PDF (links at end of post).

  • With the WORD docs, you can type and manipulate anything in it. Just click your cursor in any cell (box) you want to type in. If you are familiar with using tables in Microsoft Word, you know that if you are in the table, the “Design” tab appears from which you have many options to change colors, fonts and anything else you choose.
  • With the PDF you can’t manipulate the document itself other than filling in and marking by hand.
  • Your choice of B&W or COLOR is determined by whether or not you want to print in black ink only or full color. Either way, you can color code things to your liking using colored pens, markers and highlighters should you prefer.

To serve as reference on how to fill in your own personal information, below I show Betty BOGUS’s bogus personal schedule based on this year’s program (table and Rm. #s are NOT real). “Betty” filled in her personal info on the computer in the Word document, including color, but as I said, you can fill in the document by hand and use highlighters, etc. to color code. Also note the blank lines and deleted details that don’t pertain to Ms. Bogus’s schedule. If you are filling the form by hand, you can simply cross out or white out the unnecessary lines and information.

As shown here, I’ve designated meals in pink, workshops marked by blue/white lines; the blue/yellow one indicates the workshop Betty volunteered to facilitate. You’ll notice the PITCH and CRITIQUE are highlighted in bright yellow to really stand out. What I do is fill mine out now, then wait to print. Typically the week prior to the conference we receive our volunteer assignments and we get the room numbers. Once I know everything’s finalized, I print it out.





  B&W Word doc:       COLOR Word doc:          B&W pdf:               COLOR pdf: 

2016pers.sched.template-grey   2016pers.sched.template-color   2016pers.sched.template-grey   2016pers.sched.template-color


So there you have it! I hope you find this useful. The two days fly by and are packed with activities so you want to get through them as smoothly as possible. Every year this is the tool I use to help me do just that. And PLEASE be sure to share this with anyone you know who’s attending and may be interested.

If time and logistics allow for it, I hope to see you there! Either way, I hope you have an enjoyable and successful conference experience 🙂

22 thoughts on “UP!–NJSCBWI 2016 Conference Personal Schedule Template for Download!

  1. Donna, this looks terrific. I can’t use it, since I am not going to this conference, but how about doing this for the SCBWI in Ohio an the ALA meeting in Columbus? Now those, I can use as I plan to make t hose hit year.

    BTW – if you’d like to check out book 1 of “The Luck Uglies,” send me your address (send to smorris@kid-lit-reviews.com), and I will gladly send you the ARC. While I’d love to hold on to it, I would love even more for you to read it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lol, yeah, Sue, I’ll do a custom personal schedule outside NJ if they’re willing to pay me to do it 🙂 hehehe I do this for me anyway, and since I know there are others that want it, too, I’m glad they can benefit by it.

      And thanks for the offer! You hold onto it, my dear, especially since I wouldn’t be reading it any time soon anyway. I’ll check it out when it’s released 🙂


  2. Blimey the year has come around quickly, I will do my best to actually plan for such events in the future so I can nosy around and have a big hat with reviewer on it, just for the look of course.

    Liked by 1 person

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